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John Nelson, Joyce DiDonato, Marie-Nicole Lemieux, Michael Spyres - Berlioz: Les Troyens (Live) (2017) [Hi-Res]

John Nelson, Joyce DiDonato, Marie-Nicole Lemieux, Michael Spyres - Berlioz: Les Troyens (Live) (2017) [Hi-Res]
  • Title: Berlioz: Les Troyens (Live)
  • Year Of Release: 2017
  • Label: Warner Classics
  • Genre: Classical, Opera
  • Quality: flac lossless / flac 24bits - 96.0kHz +Booklet
  • Total Time: 03:54:52
  • Total Size: 1 / 4 gb
  • WebSite:
01. Les Troyens, Op. 29, H. 133, Act 1: "Ha ! ha ! Après dix ans passés dans nos murailles" (Un Soldat, Chorus) [Live]
02. Les Troyens, Op. 29, H. 133, Act 1: "Les Grecs ont disparu" (Cassandre) [Live]
03. Les Troyens, Op. 29, H. 133, Act 1: "Malheureux roi !" (Cassandre) [Live]
04. Les Troyens, Op. 29, H. 133, Act 1: "C'est lui !" (Cassandre, Chorèbe) [Live]
05. Les Troyens, Op. 29, H. 133, Act 1: "Reviens à toi, vierge adorée !" (Chorèbe, Cassandre) [Live]
06. Les Troyens, Op. 29, H. 133, Act 1: "Pauvre âme égarée !" (Cassandre, Chorèbe) [Live]
07. Les Troyens, Op. 29, H. 133, Act 1: "Mais le ciel et la terre" (Chorèbe, Cassandre) [Live]
08. Les Troyens, Op. 29, H. 133, Act 1: "Quitte-nous dès ce soir" (Cassandre, Chorèbe) [Live]
09. Les Troyens, Op. 29, H. 133, Act 1: "Dieux protecteurs de la ville éternelle" (Chorus) [Live]
10. Les Troyens, Op. 29, H. 133, Act 1: Combat de Ceste (Live)
11. Les Troyens, Op. 29, H. 133, Act 1: "Andromaque et son fils !" (Cassandre, Chorus) [Live]
12. Les Troyens, Op. 29, H. 133, Act 1: "Du peuple et des soldats" (Énée) [Live]
13. Les Troyens, Op. 29, H. 133, Act 1: "Châtiment effroyable !" (Ascagne, Cassandre, Hécube, Énée, Hélénus, Chorèbe, Panthée, Priam, Chorus) [Live]
14. Les Troyens, Op. 29, H. 133, Act 1: "Que la déesse nous protège" (Énée, Priam, Cassandre, Tous) [Live]
15. Les Troyens, Op. 29, H. 133, Act 1: "Non, je ne verrai pas la déplorable fête" (Cassandre) [Live]
16. Les Troyens, Op. 29, H. 133, Act 1: "Du roi des dieux, ô fille aimée" (Cassandre, Chorus) [Live]
17. Les Troyens, Op. 29, H. 133, Act 2: Introduction (Live)
18. Les Troyens, Op. 29, H. 133, Act 2: "Ô lumière de Troie !" (Énée) [Live]
19. Les Troyens, Op. 29, H. 133, Act 2: "Ah ! fuis, fils de Vénus !" (L'ombre d'Hector) [Live]
20. Les Troyens, Op. 29, H. 133, Act 2: "Quelle espérance encore est permise" (Ascagne, Énée, Panthée, Chorèbe, Chorus) [Live]
21. Les Troyens, Op. 29, H. 133, Act 2: "Ha ! Puissante Cybèle" (Chorus) [Live]
22. Les Troyens, Op. 29, H. 133, Act 2: "Tous ne périront pas" (Cassandre, Chorus) [Live]
23. Les Troyens, Op. 29, H. 133, Act 2: "Complices de sa gloire" (Cassandre, Chorus) [Live]
24. Les Troyens, Op. 29, H. 133, Act 2: "Cassandre, avec toi nous mourrons !" (Cassandre, Un chef grec, Chorus) [Live]
25. Les Troyens, Op. 29, H. 133, Act 2: "Le trésor ! le trésor !" (Cassandre, Chorus) [Live]
26. Les Troyens, Op. 29, H. 133, Act 3: "De Carthage les cieux semblent bénir la fête !" (Chorus) [Live]
27. Les Troyens, Op. 29, H. 133, Act 3: "Gloire à Didon, notre reine chérie !" (Chorus) [Live]
28. Les Troyens, Op. 29, H. 133, Act 3: "Nous avons vu finir sept ans à peine" (Didon) [Live]
29. Les Troyens, Op. 29, H. 133, Act 3: "Chers Tyriens, tant de nobles travaux" (Didon, Chorus) [Live]
30. Les Troyens, Op. 29, H. 133, Act 3: Entrée des constructeurs (Live)
31. Les Troyens, Op. 29, H. 133, Act 3: Entrée des matelots (Live)
32. Les Troyens, Op. 29, H. 133, Act 3: Entrée des laboureurs (Live)
33. Les Troyens, Op. 29, H. 133, Act 3: "Peuple ! tous les honneurs" (Didon, Chorus) [Live]
34. Les Troyens, Op. 29, H. 133, Act 3: "Les chants joyeux" (Didon, Anna) [Live]
35. Les Troyens, Op. 29, H. 133, Act 3: "Sa voix fait naître dans mon sein" (Didon, Anna) [Live]
36. Les Troyens, Op. 29, H. 133, Act 3: "Échappés à grand peine" (Didon, Iopas) [Live]
37. Les Troyens, Op. 29, H. 133, Act 3: "Errante sur les mers" (Didon) [Live]
38. Les Troyens, Op. 29, H. 133, Act 3: "J'éprouve une soudaine et vive impatience" (Didon) [Live]
39. Les Troyens, Op. 29, H. 133, Act 3: "Auguste reine, un peuple errant et malheureux" (Ascagne, Didon, Panthée) [Live]
40. Les Troyens, Op. 29, H. 133, Act 3: "J'ose à peine annoncer la terrible nouvelle !" (Narbal, Didon, Chorus) [Live]
41. Les Troyens, Op. 29, H. 133, Act 3: "Reine, je suis Énée !" (Énée, Didon, Iopas, Narbal, Panthée, Chorus) [Live]
42. Les Troyens, Op. 29, H. 133, Act 3: "Annonce à nos Troyens l'entreprise nouvelle" (Énée, Didon) [Live]
43. Les Troyens, Op. 29, H. 133, Act 3: "Des armes ! des armes !" (Tous) [Live]
44. Les Troyens, Op. 29, H. 133, Act 4: Chasse royale et orage-Pantomime (Chorus) [Live]
45. Les Troyens, Op. 29, H. 133, Act 4: "Dites, Narbal, qui cause vos alarmes ?" (Anna, Narbal) [Live]
46. Les Troyens, Op. 29, H. 133, Act 4: "De quels revers menaces-tu Carthage" (Narbal, Anna) [Live]
47. Les Troyens, Op. 29, H. 133, Act 4: Marche pour l'entrée de la reine (Live)
48. Les Troyens, Op. 29, H. 133, Act 4: Pas des Almées (Live)
49. Les Troyens, Op. 29, H. 133, Act 4: Danse des Esclaves (Live)
50. Les Troyens, Op. 29, H. 133, Act 4: "Ha ! Ha !" (Chorus) [Live]
51. Les Troyens, Op. 29, H. 133, Act 4: "Assez, ma soeur" (Didon, Iopas) [Live]
52. Les Troyens, Op. 29, H. 133, Act 4: "Ô blonde Cérès" (Iopas) [Live]
53. Les Troyens, Op. 29, H. 133, Act 4: "Pardonne, Iopas" (Didon, Énée) [Live]
54. Les Troyens, Op. 29, H. 133, Act 4: "Ô pudeur !" (Didon, Anna, Énée, Iopas, Narbal) [Live]
55. Les Troyens, Op. 29, H. 133, Act 4: "Mais bannissons ces tristes souvenirs" (Didon, Énée, Ascagne, Anna, Iopas, Narbal, Panthée, Chorus) [Live]
56. Les Troyens, Op. 29, H. 133, Act 4: "Nuit d'ivresse et d'extase infinie !" (Didon, Énée, Mercure) [Live]
57. Les Troyens, Op. 29, H. 133, Act 5: "Vallon sonore" (Hylas, Sentinelles) [Live]
58. Les Troyens, Op. 29, H. 133, Act 5: "Préparez tout, il faut partir enfin" (Panthée, Chorus) [Live]
59. Les Troyens, Op. 29, H. 133, Act 5: "Par Bacchus ! ils sont fous avec leur Italie !" (Sentinelles) [Live]
60. Les Troyens, Op. 29, H. 133, Act 5: "Inutiles regrets !" (Énée) [Live]
61. Les Troyens, Op. 29, H. 133, Act 5: "Ah ! quand viendra l'instant des suprêmes adieux" (Énée) [Live]
62. Les Troyens, Op. 29, H. 133, Act 5: "Énée !" (Énée, Les spectres de Priam, de Chorèbe, d'Hector et de Cassandre, Chorus) [Live]
63. Les Troyens, Op. 29, H. 133, Act 5: "Debout, Troyens, éveillez-vous, alerte !" (Énée, Chorus) [Live]
64. Les Troyens, Op. 29, H. 133, Act 5: "Errante sur tes pas" (Didon, Énée, Chorus) [Live]
65. Les Troyens, Op. 29, H. 133, Act 5: "Va, ma soeur, l'implorer" (Didon, Anna) [Live]
66. Les Troyens, Op. 29, H. 133, Act 5: "En mer, voyez ! six vaisseaux !" (Iopas, Didon, Narbal , Anna, Chorus) [Live]
67. Les Troyens, Op. 29, H. 133, Act 5: "Ah ! Ah ! Je vais mourir" (Didon) [Live]
68. Les Troyens, Op. 29, H. 133, Act 5: "Adieu, fière cité" (Didon) [Live]
69. Les Troyens, Op. 29, H. 133, Act 5: "Dieux de l'oubli, dieux du Ténare" (Anna, Narbal, Chorus) [Live]
70. Les Troyens, Op. 29, H. 133, Act 5: "Pluton ... semble ... m'être propice ... " (Didon) [Live]
71. Les Troyens, Op. 29, H. 133, Act 5: "Ah ! au secours ! au secours !" (Didon, Anna, Narbal, Chorus) [Live]
72. Les Troyens, Op. 29, H. 133, Act 5: "Rome ... Rome ... immortelle !" (Didon, Chorus) [Live]

The American conductor John Wilton Nelson was born the day before the attack on Pearl Harbor, to American missionaries living in Costa Rica. He grew up with considerable exposure to religious vocal music. He is still most strongly identified with his interest in, and performance of, major choral-orchestral sacred music masterworks of the Western musical tradition.

He studied in Orlando, FL, and at Wheaton College in Illinois, then took conducting from Jean Morel at the Juilliard School in New York. While there, he won the Irving Berlin Award for conducting. He worked primarily in New York, in a variety of freelance jobs (including conducting on some of Peter Schickele's "P.D.Q. Bach" performances on the Vanguard Records label).

One of his notable accomplishments was organizing and conducting the New York concert premiere of the immense opera Les Troyens by Hector Berlioz, one of the composers he most deeply admires. He had already made his opera-conducting debut at the New York City Opera, in 1972, with Carmen. The success of his Troyens performance led to an immediate engagement to conduct it at the Metropolitan Opera in New York, in 1973. He also conducted the American premiere of Benjamin Britten's Owen Wingrave at Santa Fe.

In 1976, he was appointed music director of the Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra. During his tenure there, the orchestra became a full-time (52 weeks a year) organization. Nelson returned the orchestra to recording (on the New World label) and led its move to the intimate Circle Theater (now Hilbert Circle Theater) in the city's center. He is credited with improving the orchestra's ensemble and sound.

In 1979, he also became associated with the Opera Theater of Saint Louis, and in 1983 was appointed music director of the Caramoor Festival. After a dangerous illness in the mid-'80s, he gave up all these positions (in 1987, 1991, and 1990, respectively) and transferred his major activities to Europe, where he gained a reputation as a major operatic conductor, especially following a highly praised recording of Benvenuto Cellini in Lyons, in 1989.

He has conducted many of the leading symphony orchestras of the world, including the Los Angeles Philharmonic, the Saint Louis, Chicago, Pittsburgh, Boston, and San Francisco Symphonies, the Cleveland Orchestra, the Dresden Staatskapelle, the Leipzig Gewandhaus, Orchestre de Paris, the Oslo Philharmonic, and the orchestras of Stockholm, Rotterdam, Stuttgart, and Cologne. As an opera conductor, he has appeared at the Chicago Lyric Opera and the opera houses of Rome, Geneva, and Paris. His operatic repertory is wide, ranging from Handel to contemporary opera. In the concert hall, he conducts the great choral masterworks of Bach, as well as new works, including Takemitsu's I Hear the Water Dreaming, and Paul Schoenfeld's Deborah, which he premiered.

John Nelson has recorded frequently, including acclaimed recordings of Berlioz's Beatrice et Benedict, and Handel's Semele (a Grammy award winner). He has formed an organization to raise money and commission new major sacred choral-orchestral works, redressing, he says, the secular emphasis of twentieth-century music. Schoenfeld, Henryck Gorecki, Christopher Rouse, Oswaldo Golijov, and Augusta Reed Thomas are among the composers the organization, Soli Deo Gloria Inc., has commissioned.

In 1998, he accepted the position of music director of the Ensemble Orchestral de Paris, a 14-week a year commitment that will enable him to pursue his operatic and other conducting projects.

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  • blondbearnl
  •  wrote in 09:04
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Thanks for posting this fantastic Les Troyens cd with such a stellar cast in HiRes.
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  • zerubem
  •  wrote in 10:26
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Thanks for sharing, fantastik!
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  • arepomd
  •  wrote in 15:13
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Wow! Thank you!!
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  • Rabisox
  •  wrote in 09:41
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Hector Berlioz - Les Troyens (Chœurs de l'Opéra national du Rhin - Badischer Staatsopernchor - Chœur et Orchestre philharmonique de Strasbourg - John Nelson) (2017)
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  • Ludmila
  •  wrote in 06:05
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Thank you for this post!
Do you by chance have DVD with highlights from Live concert April 15th, which was released within this box-set?